From somewhere else and would like Pulse Service?
Bring all your records from your previous hospital, most hospitals provide it to you for free.
Show it to your doctor when you visit Pulse Clinic. Your doctor will be able to review it and continue your regimen.
According to national guidelines for HIV treatment and prevention, follow up will be done every 6 months, we'll check your HIV viral load, CD4 count, fasting lipid profile, basic chemistry (liver function, kidney function, complete blood count), urinalysis.
Treat early to END HIV: Newly diagnosed positive individuals
We’re committed to ending HIV by 2030, and by treating early, you are looking after your health, as well as helping to prevent HIV transmission.
If you have been recently diagnosed with HIV, feel free to get in touch with us. PULSE’s service for newly diagnosed gives you access to experienced doctors and well-trained counsellors, usually within one working day.
Our work is carried out in a very discreet and confidential manner. You'll get proper friendly non-stigmatizing consultation regarding how to take care of yourself and your beloved ones, how to drop your (viral) load, how to increase your CD4 level and why is it important to stick with the treatment. All necessary blood tests will be done on the same visit. You can request to get results by email or personal chat or pick up at clinic. You could get prescription and medications chosen by your doctor according to national guidelines for HIV treatment and prevention, follow up will be done every 6 months, we'll check your HIV viral load, CD4 count, fasting lipid profile, basic chemistry (liver function, kidney function, complete blood count), urinalysis and look for other infections.
Why Thailand?
Thailand has advance guidelines of high standard HIV treatment diagnosis and prevention, we are the third country
in the world to provide treatment to people living with HIV as soon as possible regardless of CD4 in order to reduce morbidity, co-infections and prevention of development of cancer also
prevention of transmission. Our clinic has a project called "SAME DAY ART" providing HIV treatment on the day of diagnosis when our client is
ready and willing to.
It is recommended that you have a proper consultation, physical examination with our doctor and chose the anti-retroviral medication regimen,
our doctor will also give advice on how to stay healthy.
More and more positive people from everywhere are transferring their treatment from other hospitals/countries to Pulse Clinic in Bangkok and Phuket.
Of course you can do that too. Send email to us now.